Since young, I have been very interested to teach. In my secondary school years, I took part in the peer tutoring Scheme by the Mathematics department. I took time after class to tutor my peers who were academically weaker in Mathematics and derived satisfaction when my peers’ results improved under my tutoring. My fervent desire to teach made me take up the job as a private tutor and relief teacher during my holidays.
I also have the passion for dance which was my co-curricular activities (CCA) in secondary school. While I did not have any dance background prior to this, I worked harder than my peers who had dance background. My determination and endurance enabled me to master the dance techniques eventually and earn myself a chance to participate in Singapore Youth Festival (SYF) Dance competition through the school audition. Through my CCA, I recognised the importance of teamwork which leads my school to secure Gold medal in the SYF dance competition.
I believe that life is full of uncertainties and hence, it is important to live to the fullest.
Hi XinWei,
Your biodata is short and sweet providing info on your interests besides being a Chem major student. But i was thinking would it be good to intro your name first before you tell more abt yourself.
Anonymous, At
September 15, 2009 at 11:44 PM
Hi Gail,
Thanks for your reminder. It is negligence on my part to leave out my name. I accidentally deleted the first paragraph while summarising my biodata.
Xin Wei
Xin Wei, At
September 16, 2009 at 10:09 PM
Hi Xin Wei,
I can see how much determination and effort you have put into your dance practices. I think you have effectively illustrated on such a quality of yours. But perhaps you could improve on the flow of your ideas as I can't really see the link between the paragraphs.
Chai Yee
Chai Yee, At
September 17, 2009 at 1:49 AM
This comment has been removed by the author.
zhengyang, At
September 17, 2009 at 9:53 AM
Hi Xin Wei,
I agree with gail that your Personal Statement is short and sweet. Although it is short, you managed to substantiate your qualities with examples which is really impressive. However you may perhaps want to exapnd a little more on your final paragraph? Give it a little more content.
Just some of my thought and hope it helps.
zhengyang, At
September 17, 2009 at 9:55 AM
Hi Xin Wei,
I concur with what the previous comments mentioned before me. It is indeed short, sweet and concise.
You also went straight to the point of telling your readers what you're studying and where your passion lies which i feel is the one of the most important personal information worth sharing. You went on to state the other side of you (passion for dancing) and shared with us your success story. I believe this part was what made the whole biodata very complete.
You even ended off on a light note with your little "philosophy" which i thought was a great move! All in all, good job! :D
Anonymous, At
September 21, 2009 at 6:38 PM
Hi all,
Thank you for sharing your valuable views with me.
Perhaps I did not substantiate my points well enough and hence, the flow of my ideas in this biodata is unclear as pointed out by Chai Yee.
Thank you Ariff for your compliments on my little "philosophy" in life. However, as Zheng Yang had mentioned, I should have expanded on my life philosophy to sum up my biodata and give it more completeness.
Xin Wei
Xin Wei, At
November 16, 2009 at 12:38 PM
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